BobCAD-CAM Premium

“Best 3D Milling Solution” 

Check Out
the New V35

BobCAD-CAM V35 to Help You Increase Production Speed and Manufacturing Revenue

Better Finish | Reduce Polishing | Improved Accuracy

As the price of tools and material is through the roof, anything a machining shop can do to reduce these costs will save thousands of dollars.

BobCAD-CAM’s Mill 3 Axis Premium has the best toolpath in the industry, guaranteeing a perfect surface finish no matter the complexity of the part.

Whether you’re a new user, or already part of the family, this version is going to improve your work flow!

Barrel Tools

Cut your machining time down while improving your accuracy, thanks to a larger tool contact area per step down.

Ball Mills require smaller steps downs to achieve desired finish.

Barrel Mills (circle segment cutter)
Use larger step down to achieve desired finish.


Follow the shape and direction of the surface while keeping a constant distance and cusp height.

Mill Pro Equidistant Offset

The go to strategy for complex surfaces, this mesh based toolpath creates a consistent finish.

Mill Premium FlowLine

Offers more control for accuracy while delivering a better finishing that requires minimal polishing if any at all.

Morph Between Two Surfaces

Create Toolpath will perfectly adapt to the selected surfaces, allowing the user to cut different surfaces with a uniform path.

Advanced Planner

Direction of toolpath based on a user defined angle.

Morph Between

Direction of toolpath follows and blends between surfaces.


Automatically clean all the corners and edges of your part with just a few clicks. Use Ball Mills, lollipops, or chamfer tools to break 3 axis edges.

Use Ball Mills to Break 3 Axis Edges

Use Lollipops to Break Undercut Edges

Use Chamfer Tools to Break 3 Axis Edges

New Spiralize Round Edge 3 Axis Edge Breaks

New Tool Contact Point Control

Available Languages

The BobCAD-CAM V35 release is available in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Turkish, Japanese, Korean, Czech, Portuguese, and Italian.

Call Us Now At 727-442-3554

Upgrade to Mill 3-Axis Premium and save with the new version’s special pricing.

Real People, Real Results

“I’m impressed with the new deburring toolpath, how it breaks all my part edges with a single machining feature.”
Advantage Plan Member Since 2017, Lars Mommer | R&D Machining

CNC Milling

CNC Turning

CNC Routing

BobCAD-CAM V35 Now Available!

Schedule a demo by calling 877-262-2231